Disclaimer Statement

Disclaimer Statement

By accessing this web site, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted the terms and conditions in the following agreement.

This website is for the purpose of providing general information about Chi Ho Development Holdings Limited (“Chi Ho”) and its subsidiaries (collectively, the “Group”). Chi Ho regularly reviews the website and makes changes and updates where it deems appropriate.

All information contained in this website is provided for reference only subject to change without notice and is not intended to create any relationship (whether contractual or otherwise) with you nor be regarded as providing you with any advice or recommendation and you should not rely on such information for any purpose. We give no guarantee or warranty or representation, whether express or implied, as to its completeness or accuracy or absence of computer viruses. We accept no liability for any loss arising from the use of, or reliance upon, the content of this website or from other materials on the internet accessed via web links from this website.

You may not distribute, modify, transmit, re-use, re-post or use the contents of this website (or any part of them) for public, commercial or any purposes other than personal reference without our prior written permission. We accept no liability in relation to its use.