Corporate Structureferal2023-04-03T12:42:36+08:00 Members of Board of Directors Mr. Leung Ka Ho Raymond Chairman and Executive Director Mr. Ho Chi Kwan Executive Director Mr. Leung Hung Kwong, Derrick Independent Non-executive Director Mr. Moy Yee Wo, Matthew Independent Non-executive Director Mr. Yau Sze Yeung Independent Non-executive Director Management Mr. Leung Ka Ho Raymond Chief Executive Officer of the Group Mr. Chung Kiu Pan Chief Finance Officer & Company Secretary of the Group Mr. Yiu Chit Kwan Director of the construction division of the Group Ms. Mak Pui Chun Deputy General Manager of the construction division of the Group Corporate Structure 建築工程 Fulam Engineering Hong Kong Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong) Fulam Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong) Zero Environment Engineering Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong) 物業投資及發展 K18 Property Limited under Property Development